本机试验插头与电线之间、插头片与电线之间或线档与电线之间在经过一定时间负重后的耐负荷强度,同时可试验 6 个试件。试法是将插头片固定于试验机上方,再将砝码钩在电源线上,设定好标准所要求的试验时间后,按启动按钮后试验机会慢慢降下托板使砝码底面悬空吊着试件,拉力方向应与插片之插向成垂直,在标准要求的时间内线材不能脱落或位移不能超过标准要求的距离。
This machine is suitable to test load strength between the conductors and blades。It can test six samples at the same time by a gradually applied pull of a certain load to the free end of the cord while the attachment plug is securely supported。The force shall be applied for a specified time in a direction perpendicular to the plane of cord entry。
荷重砝码 Load
8LB,15LB,20LB,30LB 各 3 个
计 时 器 Timer
0 ~ 9999S 可任意设定 Adjustable
电源 Power
AC220V / 50Hz